Back to school: 7 tips for a stress-free start

The back-to-school season is fast approaching. It's a key moment for both children and parents. For newly arrived families, this period can be a source of excitement, but also anxiety. It's essential to be well-prepared to ensure a smooth transition. Here are seven essential tips to help you start this...


The benefits of volunteering for immigrants in Canada: a path to rapid integration and development At the heart of Canada's social fabric, volunteering represents much more than a simple contribution: it's an essential gateway to integration and fulfillment for newcomers. For immigrants who choose Canada as their new home, volunteering...

Four successful years

Planning for the Welcoming Francophone Communities (WFC) pilot project began in 2018. Since then, 14 Francophone communities across the country have set up projects to help French-speaking newcomers build a life for themselves here in Canada. Hawkesbury is one of three towns in Ontario selected by the Ministry of Immigration, Refugees...

A vibrant Francophone community in Hawkesbury

Language isn’t only a powerful way for humans to make contact, it’s also part of our identity and culture. Whether they’re moving to another country, travelling overseas or for work-related reasons, many people open up to other cultures by learning new languages. In fact, according to an article from the...

Winter Wellness in Hawkesbury

Are you thinking of moving to Hawkesbury, but winter conditions are making you hesitate? Or maybe you’re new here and want to learn more about winter. If so, this article is for you!

Arts and culture in Hawkesbury and surrounding areas

While the arts and cultural scene in Hawkesbury may be more modest compared to major cities like Ottawa, Montreal, or Toronto, there is still a plethora of interesting artistic and cultural activities in our town and its surroundings. If you're interested in this topic, here are some possibilities available to...

How to Meet New People

It can be a challenging experience to settle in a new town without any familiar faces or landmarks. That’s reason enough to go meet new people! You can meet people at work, in stores, in parks, in restaurants, on walks and so on.

Checklist | So you’ve moved to Hawkesbury

You’re now living in Ontario! But are you finding it hard to keep on top of all the things you have to do? We’ve got your back! Here’s a little checklist to help you out. It covers the essentials for anyone moving to Ontario. Whether you’re coming from another part...

A day in Hawkesbury

New to our lovely region and not sure what to expect? This article is exactly what you need! First, if you are looking for a specific service or store, we invite you to consult Hawkesbury’s directory of resources and services (French only).